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Archive for the ‘comics’ Category

Techno Tuesday

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I’ve been following Andy Rementer’s Techno Tuesday comics since we worked together at Fabrica four years ago. Apart from being hilariously funny, Rementer’s (and the occasional guest writer’s) take on our world of ubiquitous computing is a great, sharp critique to our über-connected society: we laugh at the pathetic characters in his small vignettes not because they’re info-excluded, but because they’re info-dependent. Even if most of the stories (such a shame Rementer has only a few strips on archive, there is so much more Techno Tuesday to be seen) show nonsensical, weird or ridiculous situations, we can’t help to imagine they can actually be happening to someone, somewhere. And then we realize we may even find ourselves in their position one day. Who’ll be laughing then?

Written by Frederico Duarte

March 22, 2009 at 10:25 pm

Posted in comics, The Future